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Cutting Anger
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 1373
Location:Plain of Banishment (Gloom) (9, 8)
Required Item: Garahvon Spell Focus
Required Kills: None
You find Garahvon standing in the Gloom, 'I am pleased you are here, can you lend me the Spell Focus for a moment?'
Garahvon takes the pendant in his pale fingers and admires it, 'It is odd how such a trinket can be so precious to me. It is just a thing, but it represents my whole life's work.' He then cups the gemstone and mutters for a moment. After a sigh of regret he hands it back. You notice that the clear gemstone now altered to a blue stone.

'As with every Realm we require a way to leave the Plain of Banishment. Obviously as a prison dimension this Realm has been sealed so that is made almost impossible. Luckily for us we are not the only ones wanting to leave. Unfortunately that's where our luck runs out, for the individual who is crafting the portal has far more dramatic reasons for returning back to the Realms of the Living. But more of that later. Right now we need to reinforce the Spell Focus, this will prove useful later I suspect.'

'I want you to find a way to imprint the Focus with the howl of the Enraged Blackness. When you have done this return to me.'

You receive 1 x Garahvon Sapphire Focus

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