Stage 1 Minimum Level: 1417
Location:Vorgid Island (Snarl) (5, 12)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You find Dassion in a secluded glade. |
The spirit looks around the small glade with disapproval, 'I sense a wrongness within the soil, search the Snarl for the source of this evil'. |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 1417
Location:Vorgid Island (Snarl) (12, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
The Snarl is a twisted maze of jungle and vicious Vorgid. But on the very edge of the Snarl you feel a cooling breeze of the sea. Suddenly you see a twinkling of light in the tall grasses. |
You push the tall grasses aside and reach for an object nestled in the dark soil when a rustling behind causes you to look over your shoulder. To your horror, a large group of Crimson Vorgid reaches for you from behind the tall trees of the Snarl. Kill 60 Crimson Vorgid to escape. |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 1417
Location:Vorgid Island (Snarl) (12, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 60 x Crimson Vorgid
Several Crimson Vorgid reach for you from behind the trees, kill 60 Crimson Vorgid to escape their grasp. |
You drive the Vorgid away and return to the small glade, pushing the tall grasses away, you a find a bottle with a scroll rolled neatly inside. You should show the Bottle to Dassion.
You receive 1 x Sea Marked Bottle |
Stage 4 Minimum Level: 1417
Location:Vorgid Island (Snarl) (5, 12)
Required Item: Sea Marked Bottle
Required Kills: None
Dassion paces the glade waiting for your return, 'Warrior have you found the source of the evil leaching the Snarl?' |
Dassion takes the Bottle and looks at it carefully, 'This is sea salt on it's surface. I take it you found this near the edge of the Realm?' You nod. The spirit sighs, 'That would imply that this bottle washed from the sea. I would guess it came from Nzumbe as it is the nearest Island to Vorgid. I can also sense the potent Hex contained within the scroll inside. It was well you did not open it Warrior, as touching it would have cursed your very blood with endless rage.'
Meet me in Nzumbe Island (Shore), and we shall seek to put an end to this.
You receive 8,427,184 Xp |