Stage 1 Minimum Level: 1496
Location:Agathia Hive (Entrance) (3, 10)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You find Egil hiding behind some piled up mine railings. |
Egil pulls you behind the cover. 'The Auganiton were right enough. We're getting nearer to the surface but these aren't surface dwellers. I've overheard some of the conversations these people are having. Seems they were driven out of a City somewhere above us generations ago. They are returning there to wreak vengeance upon those they feel wronged them. They'll kill thousands of people.'
Egil is thinking. He looks up. 'Okay. These Molemen must have some kind of digging plan. See if you can find these plans and we'll decide what to do then.' |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 1496
Location:Agathia Hive (Entrance) (3, 10)
Required Item: Basic Moleman Plans
Required Kills: None
You meet up with Egil. He says 'I found nothing of use. How did you do?' |
Egil looks over the plans. 'Hmm. These are fairly simple plans. I'm guessing that these miners are the lowest of the Molemen work force here. Let's move ahead. This at least gives us an idea of what we'll find. Meet me in Agathia Hive (Pit)' |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 1497
Location:Agathia Hive (Pit) (3, 18)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You catch up with Egil and duck down behind a pile of mine track rails. |
Egil looks around. 'Not yet. I've been spying on what's going on and believe that a lot of the Molemen have parts of the plan but not the full plans. I think we'll have to get ourselves as full a picture of their plans as we can. Meet here when you think you know what's going on.
You receive 'Full Plan Checklist' |
Stage 4 Minimum Level: 1497
Location:Agathia Hive (Pit) (3, 18)
Required Item: Full Plans
Required Kills: None
You've returned to Egil with troubling find! 'What have you found out?' |
'By the Light! They actually plan to destroy the City above! The group here expect to die destroying it and have smashed through into the sewer system. They are to plant charges around the central supports and some construct called the 'Mega Mole' is to destroy everything else once the charges go off.'
Egil looks up at you. 'My friend we cannot allow this to happen! A whole city of people wiped out for another generations perceived transgressions! We have to move to the Ostorin Sewers (Breach)!' |
Stage 5 Minimum Level: 1498
Location:Ostorin Sewers (Breach) (5, 10)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You catch up to Egil in the Breached sewers. He is standing over the body of a Moleman. |
Egil looks up from the body. ' I found this Moleman planting explosives. He wouldn't listen to reason so I cut him down. They are fanatical! Hunt around the sewers and kill any Moleman Exterminators that are laying their explosives. Once they are neutralised, meet me ahead. I'm going to try and scout out where they are hiding this Mega Mole.' |
Stage 6 Minimum Level: 1498
Location:Ostorin Sewers (Breach) (2, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1 x Moleman Demolisher
You find a Moleman Demolisher planting a big batch of explosives against one of the sewer complexes support pillars. |
You swiftly dispatch the moleman and defuse the explosives. You keep them as they could prove useful.
You receive 'Moleman Explosives' |
Stage 7 Minimum Level: 1498
Location:Ostorin Sewers (Breach) (12, 3)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1 x Moleman Demolisher
You find a Moleman Demolisher planting a big batch of explosives against one of the sewer complexes support pillars. |
You swiftly dispatch the moleman and defuse the explosives. You add them to the previous batch.
You receive 'Moleman Explosives' |
Stage 8 Minimum Level: 1498
Location:Ostorin Sewers (Breach) (12, 13)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1 x Moleman Demolisher
You find another Moleman Demolisher planting his batch of explosives against one of the sewer complexes support pillars. |
You swiftly dispatch the moleman and defuse the explosives. You add them to the previous batch. You are getting a little worried about having so much explosive material in your pack.
You receive 'Moleman Explosives' |
Stage 9 Minimum Level: 1498
Location:Ostorin Sewers (Breach) (2, 16)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1 x Moleman Demolisher
You find a Moleman Demolisher planting a big batch of explosives against one of the sewer complexes support pillars. Looks like the last one. |
You swiftly dispatch the final moleman and defuse the explosives. You add them to the now huge amount of explosives you are carrying.
You receive 'Moleman Explosives' |
Stage 10 Minimum Level: 1500
Location:Ostorin Sewers (Explosive Store) (8, 8)
Required Item: Explosive Bundle
Required Kills: None
You catch up with Egil in the Moleman Explosive store. He turns to you. 'I've found the place they are storing the Mega Mole. I think you'll need to use one of the Sappers Pole Cannons as you don't want to get too close to those blades. I was thinking we could bury it with the explosives here but it seems they've all been used up!' |
You tell Egil that you relieved the Molemen of their explosives and combined it into a single package thanks to the Engineers below. 'Excellent my friend! Now, go get a Pole Cannon from a Sapper and see if you can punch enough holes into the Mega Mole to stop it and I'll bury it with this charge!' |
Stage 11 Minimum Level: 1500
Location:Ostorin Sewers (Explosive Store) (8, 8)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1 x The Mega Mole (Elite)
You return to Egil who appears to have the explosive bundle set and ready. |
Egil nods and lights the long wick. Eventually there is a huge roar of an explosion and collapsing stone. Egil claps you on the shoulder. 'That ought to deal with that. I think we can try to get out of the sewers and into the City. I don't doubt there will be questions regarding the explosion!' You agree and you both look for a way out of the sewers.
You receive 18,212,853 XP. |