Stage 1 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Cathedral of Ways (Spook Central) (8, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
With more Spook shenanigans occurring, you have returned to Spook Central in the Cathedral of Ways. You are greeted by a Brother of the Light who introduces himself as Brother Janosz, a researcher of ancient artworks. |
Janosz looks at you with a haunted look. 'He watches me. Constantly demanding things I cannot give.' You ask who and he flinches. 'Nothing, nothing. Please, people have been reporting more ghosts. You'll need your Spook Smasher robe and caster to deal with them. Please, deal with them and return.' |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Cathedral of Ways (Spook Central) (8, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1000 x Free Roaming Vapor (Global)
Having trapped 1,000 Free Roaming, you return to Brother Janosz. He seems frantic though! |
He whips around to look at you, feverish light in his eyes. 'His power grows! Quick, Grab a new Spook Smasher Robe and Slime Spewer and get out of here while you can!' |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Cathedral of Ways (Spook Central) (8, 1)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You return to the room with racks of Spook Smasher equipment. You see new grey robes hung waiting for you and a new weapon on a backpack resting in another rack. |
You take the robe and put it on. |
Stage 4 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Cathedral of Ways (Spook Central) (7, 1)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Having put on the robe, you turn to the new weapon. It appears to be filled with ghost slime but it radiates happiness instead of the usual hostility you feel from spooks. |
You pick up the weapon and strap it to your back. The thick wand of this model of spook weapon seems to have a nozzle to fire the slime, which seems to renew itself within the tank on your back. With everything retrieved, you run out of the Cathedral. |
Stage 5 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Mountain Path (8, 17)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You race outside and find Brother Richard stood staring at the Cathedral in horror. You turn and see you got out just as the building was covered in a blue, hard shell of slime. |
Brother Richard turns to you. 'Brother Janosz. He was restoring an ancient painting. It appears to have been inhabited by the spirit of the subject himself. It has apparently been whispering in his mind and is close to possessing him fully.' You ask what we can do. |
Stage 6 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Mountain Path (8, 17)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Richard notices the new backpack. 'That is a new Spook Smasher Slime Spewer. It is designed to coat inanimate objects or possessed people. Because the slime is filled with positive energy, it can exorcise the possessed or give control of an item.' |
Richard continues. 'You could in theory charge something with that slime and use the positive energy to sunder the Slime Shield around the Cathedral. Do that then find Janosz, slime him and drive this spirit out, then coat the painting. But what is big enough to attack this shield.'
You think and look to the horizon. A smile creases your face. You point into the distance. 'How about that?' Richard follows your finger. 'Yes. That ought to work.' You head towards the Colosseum of Gurgris. |
Stage 7 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Mountain Path (8, 4)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You approach the Colosseum. You warm up the Spewer and let loose! |
You coat the Colossus in slime and the statue comes to life! It looks down at you. 'Colossus! Please breach the Slime Barrier around the Cathedral, but leave the Cathedral intact!' To your surprise, the statue nods and strides to the Cathedral and shatters the blue slime shield. You'd better get to Spook Central! |
Stage 8 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Cathedral of Ways (Spook Central) (8, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You dash into Spook Central and are confronted by Janosz. 'You! How did you get in here! We shall destroy you!' You brandish the Slime Spewer. 'Not today!' |
You blast Brother Janosz, coating him in thick, gloopy slime. He collapses and as you step over him, you hear him singing gently to himself, fast asleep. |
Stage 9 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Cathedral of Ways (Spook Central II) (3, 3)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1 x Ovig the Despoiler (Elite)
You burst into Spook Central II and are confronted by the floating painting of Ovig. The painted face sneers at you. 'You cannot defeat me! My hate is too strong!'
Again, you bring out the Spewer. |
You let rip with the spewer once again, coating the evil painting in happy slime! The effect is instantaneous! The presence howls within and is extinguished. You drench the painting and then leave to find Richard. |
Stage 10 Minimum Level: 25
Location:Cathedral of Ways (Spook Central) (2, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You return to Spook Central t find Richard waiting for you. |
Richard smiles. 'He's awoken in a fine mood, declaring his love for everyone.' The grin slips a little.
'The Colossus you created has been coaxed into the Realm of Oidhche Shamhna. I think you'll have to keep it occupied for a while with the Slime Spewer, at least until the slime wears off and we can place it back on the Colosseum. As ever my friend, the Light thanks you for all your help!'
You receive 9,365 XP. |