Stage 1 Minimum Level: 2075
Location:Keelfell Swamp (Darkness) (9, 9)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You encounter a group of soldiers. They all appear to be crying heavily. |
The soldiers look to you, their eyes full of tears. They stumble to their knees, in tears. 'We can't stop crying.. we feel... so depressed. Please, help us! A witch... in the darkness... she must be killed...' The soldiers manage to speak in between sobbing. |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 2075
Location:Keelfell Swamp (Darkness) (9, 9)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 1 x Djiel the Dark (Elite)
You arrive back at the soldiers you met earlier who were highly distressed. |
The soldiers are able to ease up, many of them able to catch their breath. 'Thank you! Without your help we may not have made it out of there alive! We were sent to kill that witch, but she foresaw our mission and placed us under a spell of despair! You have our thanks! '
You receive 13,168,864 XP. |