Stage 1 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Town of Aarne (5, 16)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You find yourself striding through the picturesque Town of Aarne. Even though you can hear the discordant music of the Cursed Bards on the breeze, you see no evidence of corruption. |
Cautiously, you continue walking through the town and before long, you enter a square with a man crying out to everyone around him, who ignores him, as though he were invisible! |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Town of Aarne (5, 16)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You walk up to the crying man and ask what is wrong. He looks up at you. "You...you can see me, warrior?" |
"Oh, thank the Light! I thought I was going mad!" You attempt to calm the man down and say "What is wrong? Can you explain your problem?" |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Town of Aarne (5, 16)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
The man takes a breath. "I'm Wilfred, the cobbler for the town. I've been here for years and everything has been wonderful. Until recently, when that music started!" |
"My wife and I were regularly helped in our efforts by some wee elves who helped make delightful shoes. When this music started playing, the elves started making shoes that came to life as demonic footwear!" Wilfred exclaims! |
Stage 4 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Town of Aarne (5, 16)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
After his exclamation, he pauses, waiting for disbelief or some sign of scorn. When you ask him to continue, he seems surprised, if not a little suspicious..."This does not shock you?" he asks. |
"I've seen a lot of strange things and heard a lot of odd stories. This is not the weirdest thing I've heard," you say. You are about to say more when you hear a peculiar sound, like a tidal wave of empty shoes stampeding towards you... |
Stage 5 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Town of Aarne (5, 16)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Wilfred cries out in panic "Oh no! The little blighters must have sent their creations out to stop me from finding help!" |
"They're too late." you state. You draw your weapon and loosen your shoulders, then charge into the flood of footwear! |
Stage 6 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Town of Aarne (5, 16)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 200 x Enchanted Killer Shoes
You explode among the foul footwear, laying about yourself with mighty swings of your weapon. |
In short order, the Killer Shoes are harmless leather, once again. You turn to Wilfred. "I think it's time to visit your shoe shop..." you say. Wilfred nods numbly, having never witnessed such ferocity and scampers off. You follow! |
Stage 7 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Cobblers House (2, 5)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 100 x Enchanted Killer Shoes
You meet Wilfred in his Cobbler's Shop. You see the Elves but the second you appear, they scarper, while sending some shoes at you, which you deal with quickly. You stand and think. |
Wilfred blinks. "What's your question, Warrior?" Distractedly, you say "[USERNAME]." "Pardon?" Wilfred says. You look up. "Sorry. That's my name. [USERNAME]. I think I know what we can do...". You whip out a scroll and start noting ideas. |
Stage 8 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Cobblers House (2, 5)
Required Item: Enchanted Elf Shoes
Required Kills: None
You return to the cobblers shop with first pair of shoes. |
You hand over the first pair of Enchanted Elf Shoes to Wilfred. "Hold onto these and I'll get a second pair." |
Stage 9 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Cobblers House (2, 5)
Required Item: Enchanted Elf Shoes
Required Kills: None
You return to the Cobbler with the second pair of shoes. You tell Wilfred "Put these out for the elves to find please." |
Wilfred carefully lays out the Enchanted Elf Shoes. "Now, we wait..." you murmur. |
Stage 10 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Cobblers House (2, 5)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 2 x Shoe Destroying Elves (Elite)
After a wait, the elves appear and see the shoes of their size. Curiously, they put them on and the magic in your trap activates! They screech and go unconscious! |
You check the little elves over and make sure they are okay. It looks like the special shoes have broken the spell. They wake and look around in horror at the wrecked shoes. "We did this?" they gasp? |
Stage 11 Minimum Level: 2650
Location:Cobblers House (2, 5)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
The elves wake and look around in horror at the wrecked shoes. "We did this?" they gasp. |
They hop to their feet and dash into action, like mini whirling dervish's! You and Wilfred watch in awe as the shoes of the shop are repaired by the elves. When they stop, in pride of place is a pair of Fine Leather Boots. "For you!" they squeak before scampering off. Wilfred picks the boots up and hands them to you. "A worthy reward for breaking the curse! My thanks [USERNAME]." You gratefully take the boots!You receive 'Fine Leather Boots' & 120,039,440 XP. |