Quest Guide

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No pig for Yule Tide?!? (Xmas)
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 2500
Location:Forest of Yule (Craciunului Village) (6, 12)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
The Forest of Yule is as beautiful as ever. You enjoy walking through here rather a lot. You keep catching glimpses of strange imp-like creatures who are dancing around in the woods. You come to a clearing and find a small village.
You near the village and see a gathering of people. You get closer to them and ask 'What's going on?' A fellow who looks like he might be in charge turns to you and says 'Ho, stranger! Welcome to Craciunului Village!' You thank him for the greeting.

You look around. 'Everyone seems a bit agitated.'you say. The fellow smiles at the understatement. 'As well they might Friend. In the woods in these parts, we have a kind of brownie, called a Spiridus. They are friendly and helpful for the most part but also mischievous. They knew we are busy with Yule Tide and that we couldn't play, so they decided to steal the villages Yule Tide Pig. We think this is to make us chase them but we're still too busy to do so.

You grin. 'Well, I'm just wandering through the woods anyway. I could chase them and see if I can get the Yule Tide Pig from them for you?' The crowd goes quiet. The fellow in charge says 'You'd do that for us?' You nod. 'T'is the season, no?' The fellow grins back. 'True enough! Now, the Spiridus are harmless. All you'll need to do is catch them and if you do so enough, they may point you in the correct direction to find the ring leader. He'll likely have the pig.'

You nod. 'I'll be right back!' With that, you dash into the forest, looking for Spiridus.

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