Stage 1 Minimum Level: 3128
Location:Garnath Wastes (Slither) (6, 3)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You have left the floating Skylands and have been striding across desolate looking wastes. As you continue, you hear the sound of combat. |
You crest a ridge and see a pair of Garnath Waste Wurms engaged in battle and you see more on the way. You're about to try and get away from it and see more, coming your way. |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 3128
Location:Garnath Wastes (Slither) (6, 3)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 50 x Garnath Waste Wurm
The Garnath Waste Wurms close in on you! |
Though large and strong, the Wurms are not terribly fast. You out maneuver them and cut them down. You continue into the Wastes. |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 3131
Location:Garnath Wastes (Scrub) (7, 11)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 50 x Rabid Garnath Squirrel
The wastes are full of strange and peculiar creatures. You step into a clearing and are confronted with squirrels scrabbling around in the dust. As they see you, they stop as one and look at you. |
You start suddenly when you notice the colour of their eyes and that movement was enough to have them swarm you. You ready your weapon and defend yourself. In short order, you eliminate the swarm and swiftly move on! |
Stage 4 Minimum Level: 3136
Location:Tywrin Sand (Dunes) (3, 11)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You're wandering through the Tywrin Sand Dunes and are running perilously short of water! You crest one of the dunes and spy an oasis! |
You get down to the waters edge and start filling your canteens. You are so absorbed by this and the taste of the cool water, that you nearly miss the sound of footsteps shuffling towards you through the sand! |
Stage 5 Minimum Level: 3136
Location:Tywrin Sand (Dunes) (3, 11)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 150 x Tywrin Dried Husk
You swing round, weapon drawn and are confronted by a shambling Tywrin Dried Husk. You see a legion of them rising from the sand around you! You'll have to destroy them! |
It takes time, but you slowly manage to destroy the shambling horrors as they come. You also ensure their remains do not fall in or near the water. You don't want in contaminated after all! With the combat over, you return to filling your water skins and then move on. |
Stage 6 Minimum Level: 3141
Location:Vantiock Wastes (Graze) (8, 6)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 100 x Vantiock Stone Grinder
Cresting a ridge, you are greeted by the strange sight of a Stone Grinder eating a rock! You stop for a second and slip, knocking a bunch of rocks down the slope. The noise startles the Stone Grinder and it bellows. Others in the distance bellow in reply and charge in your direction! You'll have to take them down! |
The stampede is vast but you manage to thin them out and they run off as a diminished herd. You continue on your journey!
You receive 94,682,307 XP. |