Quest Guide

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Specter of the Stars
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 950
Location:Mooramire Marsh (Shallows) (12, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
A Brother of Light waits patiently on the Mooramire Dock. He runs up to you with a worried look on his face.
"[USERNAME]! Oh, thank the Gods you came. I've been keeping watch of this place and it's awful! The Specter of Rosmeriat has already begun spinning its weave. I saw strange things. Strange lights and …"

Before the brother can finish, you hear a shrill shriek in the distance. Your eyes glimpse a black tear in the sky, unveiling a pocket of stars. Was this what Nimue meant? The fabric of time and space?

"There's no time to lose! You must slay that thing before it completely obliterates this place!"

Defeat the Specter of Rosmeriat

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