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Lost Compass
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 415
Location:Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 15) (9, 9)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
This area is one of the more annoying you have been in, first it's crawling with xinderoth sarabaites, and second there isn't even a decent corridor in the place. Xinderoth obviously thinks its funny, he is a singular wit. You enter another room, and it still isn't the exit. At the centre to see another Adventurer, but he does not look frustrated. Just despondent.
The adventurer doesn't even look at you. He hangs his head. 'I took on a xinderoth sarabaite (Champion) and lost badly. So badly that the sarabaite laughed at me and took my compass, he said that there is no point in killing me, because I'm so useless I'll never get out if he takes the compass. The thing is, he was right. Can you get my compass please. I'll starve if you don't.'

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