Quest Guide

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Wrongly Accused
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 501
Location:Ralthien (Gate) (9, 12)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Ralthien is an impressive merging of the forest and city. The buildings are artfully constructed into the very forest itself, leaving airy clearings for it's citizens to move in. Walkways bridge between these buildings so the forest is not trodden underfoot by the masses. Standing in the centre of a large plaza you find a distraught young elven girl.
The girl initially reels from you, but her need seems to steady her, 'You are an outsider, but maybe that's just as well. My brother who is a runner for the palace has been put in jail for no reason. The sword guard refuse to talk to me. Can you please go to the sword guard lieutenant and find out why my brother is being held. You will find the lieutenant in the guard house.'

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