Stage 1 Minimum Level: 1077
Location:Trun Mine (Coal Face) (11, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Grulf Anvilpounder is in charge of this area of the mines. He's trying to organise a decent defense against the Slyvins. 'What are you doing standing around? We are under attack!' |
'Shaft 243 South hit a Wyrm tunnel. We haven't had wyrmsign for decades or we would have been more careful. I want you to find out where they are coming from. Start by containing this area, then move deeper into the mines. These Serpent Swarms are everywhere!' |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 1078
Location:Trun Mine (Depths) (6, 14)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 100 x Serpent Swarm
'This is shaft 243 South. How are you doing with the Serpent Swarm infestations?' |
'Reinforcements at last then. We've got most of this area secure, we just need to kill the Wyza Spirits in the area.'
'Well what are you waiting for? Get to it!' The dwarves around you grab their weapons and start forming small hunting parties. |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 1078
Location:Trun Mine (Depths) (6, 14)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 200 x Wyza Spirit
Grulf's teams have slowed the tide Slyvin forces. 'You better have killed those reptilian Spirits. I need you for a more important job.' |
'Finally. The Spirits are the creatures that were sacrificed by the Cult of Glykek. They must have set up a base below us. A darker and more dangerous cult you will never have seen. Sealing this breach will only buy us time. I'm organising a force to go down and destroy them before they can challenge us again. I need your axe by my side.'
He claps you on the arm. 'Ha! Lighten up. I'll buy us a barrel of beer to celebrate our victory!'
You receive 6,269,434 Xp. |