Quest Guide

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Looted Merchandise
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 1287
Location:Mattix Sands (Desolate) (15, 12)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You're surprised to find a man dressed in worn traveling cloths struggling through the desolate sands.
He stops and collapses to the the floor, 'I'm sorry. I just can't take another step. My father sent a package of valuable Jewelery to a customer across the sea. Unfortunately it ran aground and the ship broke up and all hands were lost. When we sent people to recover our cargo and they said that the ship had been stripped long before they got there. That was the start of my Father's troubles, we had to compensate the customer for the loss and our company has struggled to recover from that expenditure and now the company is on the brink of bankruptcy. Our only hope is to find the lost Jewelery which will put the company capital back into the black.'

'I figured that the lost sailors would be found around the ship but to my horror they have been turned into Zombies. They must have carried off the cargo so I thought I simply needed to search the Zombies for the cargo. I am not the only one with this idea of looting the walking dead. Please, take this Manifest and see if the Mattix Scavengers have the Vordorzin Set, I will be eternity grateful if you return it to me.

You receive 1 x Vordorzin Manifest

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