Quest Guide

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The Strength of Stone
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 1557
Location:Crestoun Road (Winding) (11, 8)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
Upon entering the Creston Road (Winding) you find no sign of the Ailing Monk. Although the scream of a giant does echo around the realm. It's hard to ignore...
As you get closer you see that the massive giant is clutching his ankle in obvious agony. The giant spots you and tries to grab a massive rock to throw at you but he screams in pain at the sudden movement and grabs his ankle again.

He rumbles in a deep growl, 'You gonna finish wot that Mage started?' You look at him in astonishment then ask, 'Was the Mage that did this to you dressed in a long black robe?' The giant grimaces against the pain, 'Yeah, I shudda known to not mess wiff a mage. But they don't wear armor so they are easy to eat. But this one didn't run, he just hunched over and set a beast on me. It bit me before I smooshed it. I then stuffed the plonker in my Grub Cage for later. But now my ankle hurts where that beastie got me. It's getting worse. Go to my Grub Cage and get him to make my ankle better. You'll find the Grub Cage in my Cave, you'll find the Cave Entrance north west of here.'

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