Stage 1 Minimum Level: 196
Location:Narkort (North) (2, 14)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You are approached by a small, frail looking man. "Hello there stranger, have you heard about the lost Arkan treasures? I'll tell you more, for a price... 12,000 gold." |
"The Arkan Treasure is an ancient treasure that was lost during the Orc Hessian campaigns. Here, take this. I have been unable to fathom the code."The old man passes you a small tablet, upon it is the following code: "notorst raukh - wele ftveiv". |
Stage 2 Minimum Level: 196
Location:Narkort (South) (5, 12)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You discover the location the code on the stone tablet indicated; a large cave partially camouflaged by low-lying branches. |
You decide to investigate the cave. You enter, and after several minutes of searching you uncover nothing but a small chest. Opening the chest you discover a second tablet, this one features the following code; "hatrorn torkn - wleove, tne" |
Stage 3 Minimum Level: 196
Location:Narkort (North) (11, 2)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: 25 x Narkort Moose
You arrive at the location indicated by the second tablet; Another cave, however this cave is guarded by several Narkort Moose. You will need to fend off several of the Narkort Moose before you are able to access the cave. |
You enter the morbid, damp cave. A large chest sits at the far end of the cave. You open the chest and rummage through the content before pocketing the gold and a small trinket; a rune. You gain 137,593 XP, 18,000 Gold and 1 x Rune of Jableh. |