Quest Guide

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Pellranor. Pretty, peaceful, purged.
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 2708
Location:Pellranor Forest (Calamity) (13, 10)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You've been traveling through these wasted lands somewhat confused. You'd been told by passing travellers that you were about to reach Pellranor Forest. But this couldn't be the place. Sure, there are tree stumps and weird mulch everywhere you look but this place is a plain of such things, with no healthy trees in sight. The ground is dry, dusty and parched. Nothing could live here long. As if to punctuate this thought, you hear a monstrous, unearthly keening sound.
You step over a ridge and see a Dryad. Unfortunately for you, the Dryad sees you too! She melts into a nearby tree stump and disappears from sight!

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