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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Cursed Heart 436 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Cursed Goblin Shield 24 Shield Unique -10 30 15 0 15
Cursed Flesh 961 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Cursed Bone Amulet 39 Amulet Common 25 0 0 3 50
Cure Potion Recipe 692 Recipe Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Cure Potion 692 Quest Item Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Cuirass of Yaroth 1204 Armor Common 600 1204 0 604 0
Cuirass of Typhonicus 3225 Armor Legendary 2030 0 0 4570 0
Cuirass of Tranhert 1245 Armor Common 993 0 0 0 1497
Cuirass of the Horror Rabbit 400 Armor Epic 0 600 400 0 100
Cuirass of the Grove 5500 Armor Epic 0 0 15540 6660 0
Cuirass of Ranagar 1311 Armor Common 0 1835 0 0 787
Cuirass of Nendoran 1279 Armor Common 0 1023 0 1535 0
Cuirass of Lagganath 4101 Armor Common 0 2461 5741 0 0
Cuirass of Haramoth 1850 Armor Unique 2246 0 0 1464 0
Cuirass of Chenarria 1331 Armor Common 0 1597 0 0 1065
Cu Sith Rune of Command 150 Rune Legendary 120 0 0 200 0
Cu Sith Lightning Guard 150 Shield Legendary 70 0 0 250 0
Cu Sith Collar 150 Amulet Legendary 120 0 0 200 0
Cu Sith Claws 150 Gloves Legendary 85 0 0 235 0
Crystalline Spine Ring 2120 Ring Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 1366 0 0 3024 0
Crystalline Spine Plate 2120 Armor Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 1316 0 0 3074 0
Crystalline Box 1 Container Legendary 1 0 0 0 0
Crystal Zorgrom Stash 1 Container Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 1 0 6 0 0
Crystal Stolen Supplies III 1 Container Legendary 0 0 8 0 0

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