Quest Guide

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The Story of the Ensorcelled Royal Bride
Stage 1
Minimum Level: 850
Location:Cursed Ones Autumn Forest (11, 7)
Required Item: None
Required Kills: None
You've returned to the Cursed Princes forest, though his curse was lifted during your last visit. You wonder how life has been treating the Prince and his betrothed. These thoughts turn to concern however when you notice that the forest is choked with large, overgrown thorn plants.
After much searching and squirming around the plants, you manage to find the Prince. He looks at you and surprise flashes across his face. 'Warrior! You've returned! Not a moment too soon my friend. The wicked one who turned me into the ravening beast I used to be returned and was angry to see the curse lifted. When we refused to tell her that you had helped lift the curse, she flew into a rage!'

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