Shops Guide
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Name Realm
Crows Gladiatorial Goods Colosseum of Gurgriss (4,1)
Crucible Baneful Wares Mount Volmar (Crucible of Shadows) (8,6)
Crypt Keeper Supplies Catacombs of Quan (Crypt) (2,14)
Crystal Wares Crystal Cavern (Entrance) (16,16)
Cupal Market Selari (East) (10,12)
Cutter Wares Castle Morbidstein (South Tower Upper) (3,14)
Daedus Weaver Daedus Labyrinth (Corridors) (16,2)
Daelsor Market Bahruir (West) (6,2)
Dalzen Stores Metlair (South) (9,20)
Darghei Market Darghei Desert (West) (2,2)
Dark Ocean Supplies Dark Ocean (Coast) (13,3)
Darkal Store Pelopon Hills (Broken Land) (17,4)
Darkhome Supplies Dorthan (Darkhome) (9,10)
Darnor Bazaar Citadel of Xinderoth (Floor 1) (35,2)
Darvilon Locker Fortress of Elya (Tower) (13,13)
Death Cult Library Mount Volmar (Library) (2,2)
Deglores Bazaar Dead Dogs Island (South) (3,9)
Delans Fine Wares Elya Plains North (4,3)
Dhall Store Ephal Swamp (East) (12,4)
Dimcriee Wares Dimcriee Swamps (Mire) (11,9)
Dinalo Market Inual (North) (16,4)
Dokfarn Market Dokfarn Lake (Islet) (11,2)
Dormak Shop Gates of Forever (2,5)
Dorthan Shack Dorthan Wood (North) (6,7)
Doujin Wares Doujin Swamps (Murk) (3,3)

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