Shops Guide
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Name Realm
Khiir Wares Khiir Forest (Range) (9,8)
Kingsway Supplies Broken Kingsway (Highroad) (2,2)
Kirk the Kleavers Killin' Shop Colosseum of Gurgriss (6,3)
Kolindor Market Otium Wood (Border) (9,8)
Kral Central Market Kral (West) (3,4)
Kranl Armory Angal Caves (North) (2,10)
Kreq Stores Narkort (North) (14,12)
Krothan Mart Wastes of Kruz (Moor) (3,16)
Krumpers Kustoms! Realm of Santork Claws (2,4)
Kruthale Market Peitha (North) (12,12)
Kutubu Treasures Xanlin Plain (Deep Vault) (2,2)
Kylanda Trading Post Tyali (North) (12,13)
Lackmore Stores Motaur Forests East (12,10)
Laigmar Armory Haunted Swamp (North) (3,10)
Lakeside Market Stheno Lake (Outer) (5,15)
Lancroft Secrets Karthak (Storeroom) (4,2)
Lancroft Vault Mount Volmar (Circle Chamber) (2,2)
Lane Stall Crestoun (Broad Lane) (6,11)
Leerma Stores Ekloren (North) (13,15)
Leesmar Supplies Ethereal Graveyard (16,15)
Leipdri Wares Leipdri Forests (Clearing) (5,8)
Lekrag Supplies Glacier Plains North (9,9)
Lenmeer Armory Brale (East) (14,14)
Lensam Armory Savage Ruins (North) (3,9)
Line Hut Crestoun (Noble Line) (2,14)

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