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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Helmet of Hormoth 480 Helmet Rare 262 402 0 304 0
Poisoned Blade 716 Weapon Unique 45 402 0 995 0
Ring of Sevol 444 Ring Rare 202 402 0 288 0
Rune of Crehioa 906 Rune Rare 802 402 0 612 0
Rune of Horkrith 456 Rune Rare 222 402 0 292 0
Rune of Huthchor 465 Rune Rare 302 402 0 230 0
Rune of Mollkron 460 Rune Rare 262 402 0 254 10
Shield of Hoth 482 Shield Common 292 402 0 270 0
Shield of Sanbaal 651 Shield Common 0 402 0 900 0
Shield of Torpal 182 Shield Rare -10 402 -28 0 0
Shield of Trellkon 497 Shield Rare 332 402 0 264 0
Vigilscale Cuirass 4025 Armor Legendary 3570 402 1976 963 1289
Amulet of Losdin 476 Amulet Rare 184 401 0 361 10
Amulet of Zukull 547 Amulet Rare 401 401 0 200 100
Ring of Oxdrith 455 Ring Rare 303 401 0 210 0
Rune of Rexula 448 Rune Rare 393 401 0 106 0
Amulet of Bortrin 538 Amulet Common 146 400 0 530 0
Amulet of Elearandor 320 Amulet Rare 200 400 0 8 32
Amulet of Milntar 258 Amulet Common 0 400 0 116 0
Amulet of Qarloss 463 Amulet Common 220 400 0 306 0
Amulet of Reinsla 295 Amulet Common 0 400 0 170 20
Armor of Mongg 415 Armor Common 300 400 0 130 0
Armor of Cirgoth 242 Armor Common 0 400 0 84 0
Armor of Gradals 246 Armor Common 92 400 0 0 0
Armor of Helgel 291 Armor Common 0 400 0 182 0

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