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[ Page: First . . 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 . . Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Augan Eye Choker 1492 Amulet Rare 1795 1197 0 0 0
Glacial Ice Hammer 1420 Weapon Legendary 1794 1196 0 0 0
Denagoths Choker 1489 Amulet Common 0 1191 1787 0 0
Amulet of Tantrathull 1570 Amulet Unique 0 1190 0 1980 0
Jonaths Cuirass 1487 Armor Common 0 1190 1784 0 0
Mask of Gozkon 775 Helmet Legendary 510 1190 0 0 0
Sylvain Armour 1350 Armor Legendary 0 1190 1660 0 0
Boots of Ziiner 910 Boots Rare 0 1189 0 635 0
Gloves of Decalk 990 Gloves Rare 795 1189 0 0 0
Bronze Haunter Plate 1479 Armor Rare 0 1186 1780 0 0
Armor of Titaal 669 Armor Common 0 1185 0 153 0
Helmet of Gourshal 806 Helmet Common 427 1185 0 0 0
Shield of Cevioha 844 Shield Common 503 1185 0 0 0
Trithrills Shield 770 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 507 1183 0 0 0
Rune of Hofall 670 Rune Rare 0 1180 0 165 0
Augan Garnet Shield 1492 Shield Rare 1815 1177 0 0 0
Rune of the Heilan Isles 1013 Rune Common 850 1176 0 0 0
Rune of Tiimuira 867 Rune Common 345 1175 0 214 0
Scale Veiled Breastplate 1390 Armor Legendary 1758 1172 0 0 0
Amulet of Feirla 777 Amulet Rare 0 1169 0 387 0
Rune of Standeral 959 Rune Rare 0 1167 0 755 0
Heronogs Amulet 1457 Amulet Common 0 1166 0 1748 0
Shield of Texaal 653 Shield Common 145 1161 0 0 0
Rune of Gemalite 1449 Rune Common 0 1159 0 1739 0
Chodrman Loop 1439 Ring Rare 0 1155 0 0 1731

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