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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Cosmic Stash 1 Fragment Stash Common 0 0 0 0 0
Cowl of Pythius 1140 Helmet Unique 0 0 1510 780 0
Cowl Of Vardinlok 1900 Helmet Unique 0 0 2200 1610 0
Cracked Knuckle 540 Component Super Elite 0 0 0 0 0
Cracked Lava Amulet 100 Amulet Unique 40 0 60 80 20
Cracked Lava Armor 100 Armor Unique 30 0 80 80 10
Cracked Lava Boots 100 Boots Unique 50 0 80 50 20
Cracked Lava Gauntlets 100 Gloves Unique 50 0 90 40 20
Cracked Lava Helmet 100 Helmet Unique 0 0 125 50 25
Cracked Lava Ring 100 Ring Unique 100 0 50 50 0
Cracked Lava Rune 100 Rune Unique 50 0 50 75 25
Cracked Lava Shield 100 Shield Unique 15 0 110 60 15
Cracked Lava War Hammer 100 Weapon Unique 80 0 0 120 0
Crank Bauble 1 Component Legendary 0 0 0 0 0
Crashing Drawing 970 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Crashnor Elite Gloves 5550 Gloves Unique 2222 0 0 8888 0
Crashnor Elite Warhammer 5550 Weapon Unique 2272 0 0 8838 0
Crawler Mandible 1 Component Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Crawler Shell Fragment 1 Component Unique 0 0 0 0 0
Crazed Magic Ring 3575 Ring Unique 2865 0 0 4295 0
Crazed Magic Rune 3575 Rune Unique 2915 0 0 4245 0
Creamy Jade Signet 1529 Ring Common 1223 0 0 1835 0
Creamy Pudding Pressie 5450 Rune Legendary 7735 0 3315 0 0
Creamy Pudding Punchers 5450 Gloves Legendary 7785 0 3265 0 0
Crescent Edge of Xaljath 499 Weapon Rare 402 0 182 418 0

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