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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gloves of Bretal 195 Gloves Rare 0 0 295 0 95
Shield of Marial 213 Shield Rare 133 0 295 0 0
Amulet of Fouall 347 Amulet Rare 200 0 294 204 0
Armor of Toansel 297 Armor Common 300 0 294 0 0
Gonji Weapon 415 Weapon Legendary 0 0 294 0 686
Boots of Challe 179 Boots Common -10 75 293 0 0
Gregals Helmet 169 Helmet Common 0 45 293 0 0
Shield of Varkim 529 Shield Common 530 0 293 220 15
Armor of Nardom 571 Armor Common 700 0 292 150 0
Rune of Hopez 201 Rune Rare 0 0 292 110 0
Helmet of Vaniue 838 Helmet Rare 1389 0 291 0 0
Amulet of Light 179 Amulet Rare 0 0 290 60 12
Armor of Gahlel 295 Armor Common 300 0 290 0 0
Armor of Ghelral 223 Armor Rare 125 0 290 36 0
Boots of Kozyu 225 Boots Unique 75 0 290 85 0
Gloves of Drenarl 395 Gloves Common 180 0 290 320 0
Lithnal the Reds Armor 185 Armor Unique 40 -10 290 40 0
Shield of Gartol 394 Shield Rare 329 0 290 163 10
The Horned Gods Rune 270 Rune Unique 160 0 290 100 0
Xelphus Shield 159 Shield Unique 25 -10 290 -15 0
Armor of Nussael 294 Armor Rare 303 0 289 0 5
Mace of Altalke 1006 Weapon Rare 645 0 289 1082 0
Rune of Xilak 837 Rune Rare 1389 0 289 0 0
Rune of Ziin 842 Rune Unique 1405 0 289 0 0
Armor of Chogal 218 Armor Rare 75 0 288 76 0

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