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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Boots of Arkmire 80 Boots Common 75 -35 121 0 0
Greater Shield of Zhalo 143 Shield Common -10 175 121 0 0
Rune of Validar 234 Rune Rare 0 0 121 350 0
Shield of Philoas 207 Shield Rare 297 0 121 0 0
Amulet of Firege 150 Amulet Rare 65 0 120 100 15
Amulet of Glowing Strength 318 Amulet Common 516 0 120 0 0
Armor of Noola 124 Armor Rare 10 118 120 0 0
Boots of Galdria 140 Boots Rare 35 125 120 0 0
Boots of Ghaler 308 Boots Rare 500 0 120 0 0
Boots of Pelmsar 102 Boots Common 0 85 120 0 0
Gloves of Devka 320 Gloves Unique 124 0 120 400 0
Halbard of Darwilos 430 Weapon Common 360 0 120 380 0
Jahd Armor 130 Armor Unique 0 0 120 0 0
Longsword of Jasmar 440 Weapon Rare 364 0 120 404 0
Reborn Leaf Armor 70 Armor Legendary 0 0 120 0 0
Rendams Helmet 114 Helmet Rare 25 68 120 0 15
Rykal Rune 120 Rune Unique 55 0 120 45 20
Santork Hat 150 Helmet Legendary 90 0 120 120 0
Sarabaite Boots 415 Boots Unique 700 0 120 20 0
Shield of Amilor 123 Shield Common 25 101 120 0 0
Shield of Goll 102 Shield Rare 0 85 120 0 0
Spear of Yantoll 559 Weapon Rare 348 0 120 654 0
Sphinzer Gloves 146 Gloves Rare 65 107 120 0 0
Svanhildas Helm 125 Helmet Legendary 0 0 120 225 0
Thonomoths Armor 60 Armor Legendary 20 0 120 0 0

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