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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Boots of Xaralek 916 Boots Rare 0 649 0 1187 0
Boots of Xekka 401 Boots Rare 111 543 0 148 0
Boots of Xergriz 452 Boots Rare 202 552 0 154 0
Boots of XolGazrim 385 Boots Rare 168 606 0 0 0
Boots of Xort 493 Boots Rare 445 545 0 0 0
Boots of Xos 360 Boots Common 334 386 0 0 0
Boots of Yaldan 1329 Boots Common 658 800 0 1200 0
Boots of Yelaow 653 Boots Rare 185 1126 0 0 0
Boots of Yelighar 311 Boots Common 0 500 0 122 0
Boots of Yelpal 173 Boots Common 65 281 0 0 0
Boots of Yinzin 305 Boots Common 0 450 0 160 0
Boots of Yon 429 Boots Rare 254 368 0 240 0
Boots of Yosh 432 Boots Rare 300 450 0 124 0
Boots of Yudlak 450 Boots Rare 359 429 0 116 0
Boots of Yugher 783 Boots Rare 345 1210 0 0 15
Boots of Zaalek 1058 Boots Common 0 1645 0 471 0
Boots of Zeghren 275 Boots Rare 150 400 0 0 0
Boots of Zehnar 290 Boots Rare 0 100 0 300 180
Boots of Zelios 403 Boots Common 0 595 0 211 0
Boots of Zephale 298 Boots Common 0 296 0 274 26
Boots of Zerliha 921 Boots Rare 0 1389 0 457 0
Boots of Zeuale 304 Boots Rare 0 503 0 108 0
Boots of Ziil 931 Boots Rare 0 649 0 1217 0
Boots of Ziiner 910 Boots Rare 0 1189 0 635 0
Boots of Zith 482 Boots Rare 234 419 0 315 0

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