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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Dejla 219 Rune Rare 0 284 0 143 15
Boots of Abknar 578 Boots Rare 153 283 0 724 0
Great Ring of Fellan 164 Ring Rare 0 283 5 35 5
Amulet of Arthon 486 Amulet Common 271 281 0 420 0
Boots of Yelpal 173 Boots Common 65 281 0 0 0
Greater Boots of Grendal 168 Boots Rare 0 281 0 55 0
Rune of GiZinTol 389 Rune Rare 0 281 0 501 0
Amulet of SaZorJux 388 Amulet Common 496 280 0 0 0
Drengs Boots 300 Boots Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 520 280 0 0 0
Helmet of Halkhar 290 Helmet Rare 0 280 0 300 0
King Au Xenahs Shield 150 Shield Legendary 60 280 0 0 0
Rune of Gollthor 434 Rune Rare 284 280 0 308 0
Rune of Kuraj 221 Rune Rare 0 280 0 147 20
Rune of Sigali 228 Rune Common 125 280 0 31 20
Shield of Polal 258 Shield Common 0 280 0 216 20
Ring of Jorplus 406 Ring Common 111 279 0 422 0
Shield of Xalia 217 Shield Rare 10 278 0 144 5
Amulet of Tukuss 487 Amulet Rare 297 277 0 404 0
Helmet of Ghalst 176 Helmet Rare -10 277 85 0 0
Ring of NulJillGrak 387 Ring Rare 0 277 0 501 0
Rune of Gorth 161 Rune Rare 0 277 0 -10 65
Rune of GraZugZug 386 Rune Common 0 277 0 495 0
Rune of Hallon 211 Rune Rare 0 277 0 127 20
Helmet of Itchal 288 Helmet Rare 0 276 0 300 0
Boots of Saleka 188 Boots Rare 56 275 0 45 0

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