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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of Farhale 211 Shield Common 132 265 0 0 25
Shield of Rook 158 Shield Rare 25 265 0 0 26
Zozortor Staff 880 Weapon Unique 525 265 0 980 0
Rune of Wokal 232 Rune Rare 183 264 0 0 20
Boots of Nograla 239 Boots Rare 203 263 0 0 15
Rune of Harghan 169 Rune Rare 0 263 0 0 75
Amulet of Sortin 452 Amulet Rare 332 262 0 300 14
Rune of Sildor 403 Rune Rare 544 262 0 0 0
Rune of Ulau 357 Rune Rare 346 262 0 100 10
Boots of Dionaye 330 Boots Rare 0 260 0 404 0
Boots of Helighael 291 Boots Common 300 260 0 0 22
Colvis Boots 710 Boots Legendary 400 260 0 800 0
Cristatus Feathered Amulet 170 Amulet Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 190 260 0 0 0
Flail of Xolgith 495 Weapon Rare 300 260 0 434 0
Sickle of Zaxgill 503 Weapon Common 446 260 0 300 0
Chodrcane Helm 75 Helmet Epic 0 258 172 0 0
Helmet of Lorsin 1183 Helmet Rare 1458 258 0 658 0
Ring of Elligha 327 Ring Rare 0 258 0 400 0
Vengeful Bracers 780 Gloves Legendary 1026 258 0 426 0
Rune of Talandra 379 Rune Rare 147 257 0 358 0
Shield of Ghelast 171 Shield Rare 0 257 0 85 0
Helmet of Fablan 208 Helmet Rare 177 256 0 -15 0
Ring of Ophlinga 379 Ring Rare 348 256 0 158 0
Rune of Argoron 443 Rune Rare 340 256 0 294 0
Wraiths Touch Death Rune 620 Rune Unique 744 256 0 250 0

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