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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Amulet of Ameuir 840 Amulet Common 0 255 0 1425 0
Armor of Tethamor 193 Armor Rare 125 255 0 0 6
Boots of Foundale 208 Boots Rare 0 255 0 148 15
Armor of Faller 154 Armor Common -15 253 25 0 45
Brotherhood Shield 159 Shield Rare 70 252 0 0 0
Gloves of Ferril 424 Gloves Rare 400 252 0 200 0
Gloves of Therzul 409 Gloves Common 233 252 0 333 0
Lobber Cog Rune 340 Rune Legendary 0 252 0 468 0
Lobber Wheel Shield 340 Shield Legendary 0 252 0 468 0
Aging Adventurer Breastplate 600 Armor Unique 60 250 0 900 0
Amulet of Kazak 417 Amulet Unique 300 250 0 294 0
Amulet of Nagerth 159 Amulet Rare 0 250 75 0 0
Armor of Belta 186 Armor Rare 0 250 0 0 122
Axe of Lindorin 344 Weapon Common 438 250 0 0 0
Boots of Cith 527 Boots Rare 283 250 0 525 0
Brotherhood Helm 159 Helmet Rare 72 250 0 0 0
Carved Ring of Vichass 352 Ring Rare 254 250 0 204 0
Fury Bourne Rune 475 Rune Legendary 400 250 0 355 0
Fuvayus Vortex Stone 400 Rune Epic 0 250 0 750 0
Gloves of Fothhara 411 Gloves Common 300 250 0 272 0
Greater Quango Ring 810 Ring Unique 0 250 0 1385 0
Gronaks Shield 170 Shield Unique 0 250 0 40 0
Helmet of Poldrin 414 Helmet Common 240 250 0 331 7
Helmet of Werthor 413 Helmet Common 300 250 0 273 3
Kreths Emblem of GorGulGol 450 Rune Unique 150 250 0 250 15

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