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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Xmas Scream Ring 400 Ring Common 170 0 230 400 0
Amulet of Siurla 817 Amulet Rare 1111 0 229 294 0
Gloves of WestNorjad 329 Gloves Common 0 0 229 425 4
Ring of Zurrtol 354 Ring Common 110 0 229 354 15
Armor of Bitral 261 Armor Rare 100 0 228 200 0
Armor of Efloa 264 Armor Common 300 0 228 0 0
Armour of Discuale 314 Armor Rare 204 0 228 200 0
Boots of Tritale 314 Boots Rare 404 0 228 0 0
Helmet of Traile 209 Helmet Common 200 -10 228 0 0
Rune of Olhoi 408 Rune Rare 377 0 228 211 0
Helmet of Halmork 504 Helmet Common 350 0 227 431 0
Rune of Ralitir 812 Rune Unique 1407 0 227 0 0
Shield of Ghabst 176 Shield Rare 0 125 227 0 0
Amulet of Derishna 396 Amulet Rare 244 0 226 326 0
Armor of Piila 188 Armor Rare 150 0 226 0 0
Boots of Duplale 313 Boots Common 400 0 226 0 0
Gloves of Gehlye 313 Gloves Common 400 0 226 0 0
Rune of Piryale 313 Rune Rare 404 0 226 0 0
Shield of Puppale 313 Shield Common 400 0 226 0 0
Amulet of Marck 162 Amulet Rare 75 0 225 0 0
Amulet of Verial 223 Amulet Common 175 0 225 46 0
Argus Boots 400 Boots Legendary 0 0 225 615 0
Armor of Fevlore 176 Armor Common 0 125 225 -10 12
Armor of Grabel 180 Armor Rare 40 0 225 100 0
Armor of Hellmare 217 Armor Rare 148 0 225 64 0

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