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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of Xenmar 88 Shield Rare 0 125 52 0 0
Shield of Yalmar 76 Shield Rare -25 125 53 0 0
Whip of Veghnour 340 Weapon Rare 559 125 0 0 0
Amulet of JoNirKa 383 Amulet Rare 144 124 0 502 0
Felorn Shoes 82 Boots Rare 0 124 40 0 0
Fire Drake helm 82 Helmet Common 0 124 40 0 0
Shield of Aelase 142 Shield Common -15 124 175 0 0
Helmet of Bingalea 323 Helmet Common 521 123 0 0 2
Ring of Melador 84 Ring Common 0 123 45 0 0
Shield of Demlar 124 Shield Common 25 123 100 0 0
Armor of Fellara 136 Armor Rare -15 122 165 0 0
Amulet of Satar 180 Amulet Rare 45 120 0 0 0
Brices Boots 600 Boots Legendary 460 120 0 680 0
Everclaw Pelt 135 Armor Legendary 180 120 0 0 0
General Bhaltairs Neckpiece 425 Amulet Legendary 630 120 0 140 0
General Bhaltairs Signet Ring 425 Ring Legendary 620 120 0 150 0
Gloves of Eirza 113 Gloves Common 45 120 61 0 0
Gloves of Tezmoa 118 Gloves Common 25 120 91 0 0
Helmet of Omata 113 Helmet Rare -8 120 114 0 0
Moonstone Ring 90 Ring Common 0 120 60 0 0
Ring of Golzar 99 Ring Common 0 120 78 0 0
Rune of Hatock 85 Rune Rare 0 120 20 30 0
Rune of Regalith 160 Rune Common 125 120 0 75 0
Shildorah Mark of the Dryad 115 Amulet Unique 50 120 0 50 10
Writhing Ward (Tier 2) 100 Shield Epic 0 120 350 0 0

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