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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of Oaelo 139 Shield Common 0 185 93 0 0
Armor of Kraken 57 Armor Rare -25 50 92 -5 0
Boots of Kallgar 96 Boots Rare 25 75 92 0 0
Boots of Mirdayne 242 Boots Rare 303 0 92 92 0
Woad Helmet 96 Helmet Rare 0 100 92 0 0
Amulet of Gozla 118 Amulet Common 45 35 91 45 20
Boots of Zalbek 133 Boots Rare 40 135 91 0 0
Gloves of Tezmoa 118 Gloves Common 25 120 91 0 0
Helmet of Amera 133 Helmet Rare 0 175 91 0 0
Amulet of Vek 200 Amulet Common 0 0 90 300 10
Armor of Volacan 110 Armor Rare 10 110 90 0 10
Boots of Aleos 105 Boots Unique 0 0 90 80 0
Boots of Kraken 57 Boots Rare -10 38 90 -10 0
Cracked Lava Gauntlets 100 Gloves Unique 50 0 90 40 20
Demolition Hammer 307 Weapon Unique 200 80 90 250 0
Gloves of Airilos 115 Gloves Rare 70 0 90 74 0
Griffin Quest Shield 90 Shield Rare 0 90 90 0 0
Helmet of Durgon 95 Helmet Rare 0 100 90 0 0
Mancrusha Ring 120 Ring Legendary 80 0 90 90 0
Ring of Seblar 143 Ring Rare 75 0 90 76 45
Ring of Yosil 72 Ring Rare -10 65 90 0 0
Rune of Tollana 70 Rune Rare -14 65 90 0 0
Felix Armor 89 Armor Rare 0 89 89 0 0
Helmet of Grela 177 Helmet Rare -10 275 89 0 0
Armor of Rosaar 69 Armor Common 0 50 88 0 0

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