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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Helm of Xanthion 98 Helmet Rare 100 43 0 53 0
Pellanors Shield 84 Shield Common 0 43 125 0 0
Rune of Zelmae 139 Rune Common 75 43 50 85 25
Burning Boots 34 Boots Unique 0 42 26 0 0
Lunar Treads 32 Boots Common 0 42 22 0 0
Ring of Ghenlar 81 Ring Rare 25 42 40 40 15
Ring of Ledfar 151 Ring Rare 25 42 242 0 0
Ring of Massalor 124 Ring Common 125 42 25 66 -10
Ring of Xelapo 86 Ring Common 45 42 45 40 0
Rune of Gadmore 100 Rune Rare 125 42 20 13 0
Scarlet Helm 46 Helmet Unique 0 42 40 0 10
Shield of Gregal 166 Shield Rare -10 42 300 0 0
Spear of Harginlis 346 Weapon Rare 650 42 0 0 4
Wizardly Boots 36 Boots Common 0 42 22 -4 12
Amulet of Seey 98 Amulet Rare 40 40 46 70 0
Amulet of Thar 53 Amulet Rare 35 40 27 0 5
Amulet of Torr 89 Amulet Common 125 40 -10 24 0
Battle Shield of Korssak 97 Shield Rare 100 40 0 54 0
Boots of Dorn 85 Boots Common 45 40 40 45 0
Boots of Kralmor 77 Boots Common 0 40 115 0 0
Cherin Necklace 60 Amulet Common 30 40 0 50 0
Deathspinner Armor 40 Armor Super Elite 0 40 0 10 0
Ferrinlos Helmet 126 Helmet Rare 85 40 40 62 25
Fighting Gauntlets 90 Gloves Common 80 40 0 60 0
Gloves of Ilyusar 67 Gloves Common 60 40 35 0 0

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