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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Frost Dragon Boots 15 Boots Legendary 0 25 10 0 0
Gloom Helm 44 Helmet Common 0 25 20 2 40
Gloves of Deemstar 68 Gloves Common 45 25 67 0 0
Gloves of Hassal 70 Gloves Common 45 25 70 0 0
Gloves of Norde 62 Gloves Common 0 25 35 65 0
Gloves of Precision 38 Gloves Common 25 25 25 0 0
Gloves of Renmal 181 Gloves Common 0 25 237 90 10
Gloves of Venzar 108 Gloves Rare 45 25 46 50 50
Gnarled Neckpiece 35 Amulet Rare 25 25 0 0 20
Golden Sword of Mitgar 149 Weapon Common 185 25 0 88 0
Golden Visor 24 Helmet Unique 0 25 20 0 5
Helmet of Zhann 38 Helmet Unique 2 25 0 35 0
Heretic Gloves 52 Gloves Common 32 25 40 6 2
Ilarmas Amulet 106 Amulet Common 85 25 15 87 0
Iron Chain Mail 21 Armor Common 0 25 12 0 5
Mighty Boots 20 Boots Common 0 25 10 0 10
Mythril Plated Gloves 37 Gloves Common 5 25 25 0 25
Nightshade Shield 28 Shield Unique 0 25 25 0 5
Righteous Helm 20 Helmet Common 0 25 5 0 10
Ring of Emipha 128 Ring Common 125 25 25 46 35
Ring of Fate 46 Ring Unique 25 25 25 -8 25
Ring of Gebored 156 Ring Rare 125 25 0 127 35
Ring of Pelzmor 118 Ring Common 75 25 55 66 15
Ring of Seeklar 101 Ring Rare 125 25 52 0 0
Ring of Shual 148 Ring Rare 65 25 80 125 0

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