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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Armor of Saklar 288 Armor Rare 176 0 400 0 0
Armor of Santak 626 Armor Common 0 0 979 277 0
Armor of Sarr 475 Armor Rare 304 0 450 200 0
Armor of Sartale 941 Armor Rare 0 0 1389 497 0
Armor of Satuale 309 Armor Rare 0 0 503 118 0
Armor of Sawrad 460 Armor Common 170 0 600 150 0
Armor of Schlaise 341 Armor Rare 161 0 525 0 0
Armor of Secral 283 Armor Common 166 0 400 0 0
Armor of Sedhel 227 Armor Rare 0 0 332 125 0
Armor of Seleth 1372 Armor Rare 544 0 984 1220 0
Armor of Sengui 233 Armor Common 0 0 366 100 0
Armor of Shalr 1962 Armor Common 0 0 1570 0 2354
Armor of Sharian 660 Armor Rare 885 0 429 0 10
Armor of Sharoyuia 846 Armor Common 0 0 1425 267 0
Armor of Shoratal 276 Armor Rare 52 0 0 503 0
Armor of Smutral 260 Armor Common 100 0 320 100 0
Armor of Snakal 284 Armor Rare 168 0 403 0 0
Armor of Snezlka 784 Armor Common 353 0 1215 0 0
Armor of Sofah 562 Armor Common 224 0 730 170 0
Armor of Soi 568 Armor Rare 654 0 354 132 0
Armor of Soryos 491 Armor Common 260 0 400 322 0
Armor of Soul Dralj 172 Armor Rare 0 0 300 0 44
Armor of Staelk 995 Armor Rare 445 0 1549 0 0
Armor of Standrall 730 Armor Rare 0 0 1079 385 0
Armor of Starlia 324 Armor Rare 0 0 552 100 0

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