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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Hanfors Boots 1427 Boots Common 0 0 1715 1139 0
Hans' Stabby Knife 2050 Weapon Unique 2877 0 1233 0 0
Haragorth Wraith Blade 3400 Weapon Unique 0 0 2093 0 4717
Haragorth Wraith Rune 3400 Rune Unique 0 0 2043 0 4767
Harathons Sword 1467 Weapon Common 1174 0 0 1760 0
Hare Ear Helm 4425 Helmet Legendary 0 0 6300 2700 0
Hare Tooth Amulet 4425 Amulet Legendary 0 0 6250 2750 0
Harkaron Shield 528 Shield Unique 0 0 700 256 110
Harpoon Barb 1584 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Harpoon Head 1584 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Harragogs Cuirass 3775 Armor Legendary 2310 0 0 5390 0
Harragogs Rune 3775 Rune Legendary 2360 0 0 5340 0
Harsneths Rune 1249 Rune Common 1001 0 0 1497 0
Harvesters Bone Pendant 850 Amulet Legendary 0 0 1200 650 0
Harvesters Scythe 850 Weapon Legendary 0 0 1110 740 0
Hat of the Hag Queen 1467 Helmet Rare 0 0 1177 0 1765
Hatchet of Kickaal 657 Weapon Common 345 0 0 969 0
Haunted Broad Blade 17 Weapon Rare 16 0 0 30 0
Haunters Hammer 5259 Weapon Rare 7368 0 3158 0 0
Haunters Helm 5259 Helmet Rare 7318 0 3208 0 0
Headband of Nalthrok 554 Helmet Rare 157 0 725 230 0
Heart Diamond Shard 1395 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Heart String 1395 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Heartless Amulet 450 Amulet Legendary 0 0 315 735 0
Heartless Hat 450 Helmet Legendary 0 0 365 685 0

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