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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Amulet of Herriua 844 Amulet Common 0 0 1315 373 0
Boots of Baberla 900 Boots Common 485 0 1315 0 0
Gloves of Perhila 831 Gloves Common 347 0 1315 0 0
Helmet of Zeitalk 934 Helmet Common 0 0 1315 553 0
Yanyus Jade Rune 900 Rune Legendary 0 635 1315 0 0
Inargals Breastplate 1430 Armor Unique 0 0 1314 1556 0
Rune of Feruiga 904 Rune Common 500 0 1308 0 0
Gloves of Teura 844 Gloves Rare 385 0 1307 0 0
Shield of Gordinga 899 Shield Rare 495 0 1307 0 0
Amulet of Godruita 895 Amulet Common 485 0 1305 0 0
Azmar the Great Helmet 890 Helmet Unique 0 0 1305 485 0
Firebird Amulet 1230 Amulet Legendary 0 0 1305 1305 0
Armor of Fabrigage 967 Armor Rare 634 0 1304 0 0
Boots of Comgerioa 909 Boots Rare 518 0 1304 0 0
Boots of Stalke 994 Boots Common 685 0 1303 0 0
Helmet of Gabrashi 1123 Helmet Common 945 0 1301 0 0
Amulet of Narron 1420 Amulet Rare 0 0 1300 1548 0
Amulet of Unralke 845 Amulet Common 390 0 1300 0 0
Armor of Eridal 927 Armor Common 0 0 1300 554 0
Armor of Ventin 1287 Armor Rare 880 0 1300 402 0
Boots of Kallon 1394 Boots Common 0 0 1300 1488 0
Hammer of Armoth 1592 Weapon Common 0 0 1300 1884 0
Rune of Larkin 1328 Rune Common 1056 0 1300 0 300
Styrans Ring 1025 Ring Legendary 900 0 1300 0 0
Djiels Necklace 2075 Amulet Unique 2862 0 1298 0 0

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