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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Slothful Armor 4175 Armor Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 2600 5900 0 0
Lizard Alpha Shield 4235 Shield Rare 0 2593 5885 0 0
Blossom Shield 4125 Shield Legendary 0 0 5880 0 2520
Deinotherium Ivory Shield 4189 Shield Rare 0 0 5870 2516 0
Amulet of Geranoth 4176 Amulet Common 0 0 5846 0 2506
Blossom Ring 4125 Ring Legendary 0 0 5830 0 2570
Deinotherium Ivory Helm 4189 Helmet Rare 0 0 5820 2566 0
Boogle Gloves 4000 Gloves Epic 2490 0 5810 0 0
Cuirass of Lagganath 4101 Armor Common 0 2461 5741 0 0
Faded Necromancer Hood 4075 Helmet Unique 0 0 5712 0 2448
Faded Necromancer Robe 4075 Armor Unique 0 0 5662 0 2498
Gray Hag Boots 4636 Boots Rare 0 3712 5568 0 0
Helm of Harador 4601 Helmet Common 0 0 5521 0 3681
Gray Hag Ring 4636 Ring Rare 0 3762 5518 0 0
Feathered Blade 3825 Weapon Legendary 0 2340 5460 0 0
Mithril Bulwark Armor 3875 Armor Unique 0 0 5432 0 2328
Feathered Cuirass 3825 Armor Legendary 0 2390 5410 0 0
Straton Amulet 3750 Amulet Legendary 2345 0 5405 0 0
Ullathars Shield 4501 Shield Common 0 0 5401 0 3601
Kraganaths Smashing Helm 2200 Helmet Epic 3610 0 5390 0 0
Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass 3700 Armor Epic 0 0 5390 2310 0
Mithril Bulwark Shield 3875 Shield Unique 0 0 5382 0 2378
Straton Gauntlets 3750 Gloves Legendary 2295 0 5355 0 0
Quartered Shield 3776 Shield Common 0 2266 5286 0 0
Prideful Helm 3675 Helmet Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 0 5250 2250 0

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