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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Boots of Frengol 697 Boots Rare 399 0 999 0 0
Boots of Dejkla 749 Boots Common 0 0 998 500 0
Gloves of Doomrel 1148 Gloves Common 1300 0 996 0 0
Armor of Intvall 735 Armor Common 0 0 995 475 0
Boots of Suvual 690 Boots Common 385 0 995 0 0
Endir Shield 730 Shield Common 465 0 995 0 0
Shield of Munutal 710 Shield Common 425 0 995 0 0
Armor of Nighal 716 Armor Rare 442 0 994 0 0
Evbernoths Armor 1253 Armor Common 0 0 994 0 1512
Fadmeers Gauntlets 1245 Gloves Common 1497 0 993 0 0
Tapios Bark Boots 1530 Boots Legendary 0 0 993 2217 0
Usgands Helm 1241 Helmet Common 1489 0 993 0 0
Armor of Elightar 814 Armor Rare 0 0 991 643 0
Gloves of Wanel 583 Gloves Common 175 0 991 0 0
Gloves of Nismildor 740 Gloves Unique 500 0 990 0 0
Ring of Levus 1297 Ring Rare 1304 0 990 0 308
Amulet of Wreeka 665 Amulet Rare 0 0 989 345 0
Shield of Camdizal 803 Shield Rare 621 0 989 0 0
Spear of Epihal 669 Weapon Rare 0 0 989 353 0
Gloves of Valcill 1253 Gloves Rare 1000 0 988 526 0
Rune of Yuimar 769 Rune Common 550 0 988 0 0
Amulet of Drilkah 776 Amulet Common 565 0 987 0 0
Armor of Impreal 775 Armor Rare 0 0 987 565 0
Blade of Jernoort 1233 Weapon Common 1480 0 986 0 0
Amulet of Jekrofa 653 Amulet Common 321 0 985 0 0

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