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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Swoal 671 Rune Common 0 815 0 527 0
Amulet of Bonath 1293 Amulet Common 551 813 0 1222 0
Yeti King Pendant 1040 Amulet Unique 380 810 0 900 0
Ghostly Barded Armor 600 Armor Unique 0 806 0 504 0
Machtelds Boots 600 Boots Legendary 330 805 0 215 0
Marshmans Webbed Talons 650 Gloves Legendary 230 805 0 415 0
Armor of Cortia 579 Armor Rare 120 804 0 238 0
Rune of Kargom 572 Rune Rare 102 804 0 242 0
Shield of Iagoz 457 Shield Rare 114 804 0 0 0
Boots of Fagelka 781 Boots Rare 189 800 0 577 0
Boots of Shalur 591 Boots Common 0 800 0 382 0
Boots of Yaldan 1329 Boots Common 658 800 0 1200 0
Brigand Kings Shield 610 Shield Unique 200 800 0 230 0
Dagger of Monlin 1325 Weapon Common 1050 800 0 800 0
Dire Wraiths Hood 1122 Helmet Unique 800 800 0 654 0
Helmet of Bursarl 610 Helmet Common 0 800 0 420 0
Helmet of Krill 558 Helmet Common 80 800 0 236 0
Helmet of Youghatt 681 Helmet Rare 0 800 0 566 0
Raiment of Rillian 1280 Armor Unique 690 800 0 1100 0
Rune of Pollake 1154 Rune Common 0 800 0 1508 0
Shield of Thronsor 556 Shield Common 0 800 0 300 12
Shock Orc Breastplate 915 Armor Legendary 0 800 0 1180 0
SK Boots 960 Boots Unique 0 800 0 1120 10
SK Shield 970 Shield Unique 800 800 0 340 10
Sludge Spine Shield 950 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 800 0 1250 0

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