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[ Page: First . . 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 . . Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Shield of GruVulNar 388 Shield Rare 144 535 0 101 0
Amulet of Fotsha 737 Amulet Common 0 534 0 940 0
Amulet of Theissor 366 Amulet Common 99 534 0 99 0
Boots of Sawret 525 Boots Rare 240 534 0 280 0
Lindarsils Woven Rune 370 Rune Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 534 0 356 0
Ring of Ondrill 548 Ring Rare 304 534 0 262 0
Boots of Othjar 508 Boots Rare 254 533 0 233 0
Armor of Lort 465 Armor Common 240 532 0 158 0
Armor of Ulthax 534 Armor Rare 302 532 0 238 0
Helmet of Fruhlton 353 Helmet Rare 0 532 0 167 11
Amulet of Harron 568 Amulet Rare 206 530 0 400 0
Armor of Lonjor 490 Armor Common 190 530 0 260 0
Gloves of Morkith 544 Gloves Rare 158 530 0 404 0
Gloves of Toudor 501 Gloves Common 312 530 0 160 0
Octo Spine Helm 350 Helmet Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 530 0 290 0
Rune of Pelgarir 874 Rune Unique 0 530 0 1228 0
Shield of Phon 467 Shield Common 276 530 0 128 0
Steamwork Cuirass (Tier 1) 300 Armor Epic 0 530 0 350 0
Boots of Degihla 912 Boots Rare 0 528 0 1300 0
Boots of Zoak 1257 Boots Rare 906 528 0 1088 0
Boots of Faldrin 531 Boots Common 250 527 0 285 0
Flail of Eriopa 749 Weapon Rare 0 527 0 975 0
Helmet of Gandurapolatania 324 Helmet Rare 0 527 0 125 0
Armor of Xenkarthane 345 Armor Rare 164 526 0 4 0
Biawak Boots 586 Boots Unique 300 526 0 356 0

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