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[ Page: First . . 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 . . Last ]

Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Jolie 510 Rune Rare 0 500 0 524 0
Rune of Preggale 612 Rune Common 724 500 0 0 0
Shield of Garvil 346 Shield Common 167 500 0 0 25
Shield of Harthal 528 Shield Common 256 500 0 300 0
Shield of Hoblar 276 Shield Rare 0 500 0 0 52
Shield of Kymmi 584 Shield Common 0 500 668 0 0
Shield of Ralghmar 263 Shield Rare 0 500 0 26 0
Shield of Yanosla 290 Shield Rare 0 500 0 80 0
Shield of Yilkarldrin 327 Shield Common 0 500 0 154 0
Shield of Elithuala 298 Shield Rare 0 499 0 100 0
Boots of Drelim 415 Boots Rare 0 498 0 317 15
Helmet of ZugTulGorath 382 Helmet Common 122 498 0 144 0
Rune of Maelstrom 721 Rune Rare 0 497 0 949 0
Sword of Ghasst 734 Weapon Rare 975 497 0 0 0
Helmet of Helap 270 Helmet Rare 50 496 0 0 0
Amulet of Xoldor 395 Amulet Rare 0 495 0 299 0
Gloves of Ferrgal 714 Gloves Common 0 495 0 933 0
Rune of Macal 948 Rune Common 0 495 0 1401 0
Shield of Minevrala 296 Shield Rare 0 495 0 100 0
Armor of Alios 358 Armor Rare 174 494 0 52 0
Boots of Notuis 297 Boots Common 0 494 0 100 0
Flail of Zedlia 727 Weapon Rare 0 494 0 964 0
Shield of Berale 297 Shield Common 0 494 0 100 0
Boots of Machrela 719 Boots Common 0 493 0 945 0
Helmet of Portanka 359 Helmet Rare 93 493 0 126 10

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