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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Gloves of Gethah 676 Gloves Common 0 775 0 577 0
Amulet of the Blood 480 Amulet Unique 192 202 0 576 0
Flail of Palgroll 536 Weapon Rare 300 0 200 576 0
Pirate Queens Cutlass 433 Weapon Unique 300 0 0 576 0
Armor of Giferla 765 Armor Common 0 955 0 575 0
Balaurs Reptilian Shield 550 Shield Legendary 265 410 0 575 0
Boots of Cartale 896 Boots Common 0 1217 0 575 0
Octo Spine Shield 350 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 150 0 0 575 0
Rune of Fabglest 895 Rune Common 0 1215 0 575 0
Rune of Veribla 775 Rune Common 0 975 0 575 0
The Demon Queens Signet 325 Ring Legendary 0 175 0 575 0
Ring of Minaelka 1108 Ring Rare 0 0 1646 574 0
Gloves of Wahet 673 Gloves Common 0 0 775 571 0
Gloves of Yunoaerd 893 Gloves Common 0 1215 0 571 0
Shield of Hypograld 773 Shield Common 0 975 0 571 0
Sword of Poratia 958 Weapon Rare 1100 0 249 571 0
Boots of Barimon 548 Boots Common 205 321 0 570 0
Gloves of Hexthria 538 Gloves Common 206 0 300 570 0
Lunar Chomper Gauntlets 875 Gloves Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 0 1330 570 0
Ring of Helkaj 1010 Ring Rare 0 1454 0 570 0
Amulet of Yerka 732 Amulet Rare 0 899 0 569 0
Axe of Imtal 401 Weapon Common 233 0 0 569 0
Boots of Roilghor 772 Boots Common 0 0 975 569 0
Rune of Refljia 772 Rune Common 0 975 0 569 0
Helmet of Gurrial 1184 Helmet Common 0 1800 0 568 0

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