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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Hrothgar Boots 1221 Boots Common 977 0 1465 0 0
Huirvast Artifact 732 Rune Unique 1124 0 350 0 0
Huli Ear 545 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Huli Eye 545 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Huli Tongue 545 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Huntresses Gauntlets 2700 Gloves Unique 0 0 2164 0 3246
Huntresses Signet 2700 Ring Unique 0 0 2214 0 3196
Hussan Boots 53 Boots Common 0 40 62 0 5
Hylar Boots 2951 Boots Common 3541 2361 0 0 0
Ice Amulet 1 Amulet Common 0 0 0 0 3
Ice Heart Part 1 200 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Ice Heart Part 2 200 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0
Ice Hearts Hide 2250 Shield Unique 0 0 3157 0 1353
Ice Hearts Skull 2250 Helmet Unique 0 0 3157 0 1353
Ice Maiden Armor 830 Armor Unique 185 0 1485 0 0
Ice Rimed Boots 2781 Boots Rare 3292 2278 0 0 0
Ice Rimed Robes 2781 Armor Rare 3342 2228 0 0 0
Ice Roc Amulet 3900 Amulet Unique 5417 2393 0 0 0
Ice Roc Boots 3900 Boots Unique 5467 2343 0 0 0
Ice Scale Ring 5210 Ring Rare 4171 6257 0 0 0
Ice Scale Sword 5210 Weapon Rare 4171 6257 0 0 0
Ice Wight Gauntlets 3881 Gloves Rare 4662 3108 0 0 0
Ice Wight Rune 3881 Rune Rare 4612 3158 0 0 0
Icewalker Boots 1351 Boots Unique 1802 0 930 0 0
Icon of the Underworld 200 Component Rare 0 0 0 0 0

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