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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Lokinash 540 Rune Common 200 400 0 465 15
Rune of Marigha 780 Rune Common 0 1095 0 465 0
Helmet of Minal Tor 607 Helmet Common 0 0 750 464 0
Orc Slayer 459 Weapon Unique 464 0 0 464 0
Rapier of Nith 482 Weapon Common 300 200 0 464 0
Armor of Fenshir 778 Armor Rare 0 1095 0 463 0
Armor of Whoar 674 Armor Common 0 885 0 463 0
Axe of Hygar 398 Weapon Rare 337 0 0 463 0
Goin Scale Shield 904 Shield Unique 0 1345 0 463 0
Amulet of Stufale 595 Amulet Common 0 728 0 462 0
Pendant of the Leaf 491 Amulet Unique 100 430 0 462 0
Amulet of Magogal 838 Amulet Common 0 1215 0 461 0
Pharaohs War Staff 364 Weapon Legendary 307 0 0 461 0
Amulet of Calli 525 Amulet Common 225 0 350 460 15
Blade of Sodilem 380 Weapon Common 300 0 0 460 0
Boots of Sedville 533 Boots Common 270 0 336 460 0
Boots of Zrelmor 704 Boots Common 0 948 0 460 0
Ring of Chuvnal 761 Ring Rare 0 1064 0 460 0
Rune of Mozpoll 462 Rune Common 230 224 0 460 10
Zanadorn Unzul Axe 920 Weapon Unique 45 345 0 460 0
Rune of Teyua 942 Rune Rare 0 1429 0 459 0
Amulet of Ellanah 495 Amulet Rare 240 300 0 458 0
Amulet of Ushrane 368 Amulet Common 0 268 0 458 10
Axe of Zogillon 504 Weapon Rare 402 152 0 458 0
Gloves of Tawar 1377 Gloves Rare 800 1500 0 458 0

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