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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Crehioa 906 Rune Rare 802 402 0 612 0
Helmet of Lanzopn 793 Helmet Common 0 975 0 611 0
Ring of Arzmil 397 Ring Rare 0 187 0 611 0
Rune of Heigbhast 793 Rune Common 0 975 0 611 0
Boots of Tarqual 1230 Boots Unique 270 0 1610 610 0
Fu Yarg Burning Rune 560 Rune Unique 210 0 310 610 0
Githorom Lance 471 Weapon Unique 342 0 0 610 0
Gloves of Rach 565 Gloves Common 260 0 260 610 0
Inscribed Gloves 555 Gloves Unique 0 510 0 610 0
Livias Elven Ring 475 Ring Legendary 250 0 75 610 0
Rock Aspect Rune 950 Rune Unique 910 0 400 610 0
Saber of the Jungle Spirit 515 Weapon Unique 330 0 0 610 100
Trillsarin Dragon Helm 510 Helmet Unique 110 310 0 610 0
Trillsarin Dragonic Icon 510 Rune Unique 210 210 0 610 0
Trillsarin Ruby Duster 510 Ring Unique 205 215 0 610 0
Trillsarin Shield of Fire 510 Shield Unique 0 420 0 610 0
Amulet of Fradelk 792 Amulet Rare 0 0 977 609 0
Amulet of the Bound 540 Amulet Rare 220 0 260 608 0
Blazing Dragon Lords Saber 510 Weapon Rare 420 0 0 608 0
Boots of Largash 1319 Boots Common 1200 830 0 608 0
Brides Crackling Gown 484 Armor Legendary 300 0 100 608 0
Shield of Berdlak 791 Shield Rare 0 977 0 607 0
Sword of Grall 462 Weapon Rare 321 0 0 607 0
Amulet of Firghaj 868 Amulet Common 745 0 385 606 0
Niseag Rune 1020 Rune Unique 1040 0 404 606 0

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