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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Heitzlake 778 Rune Unique 0 1095 0 471 0
Amulet of Whinshil 401 Amulet Rare 0 337 0 470 5
Boots of Parkon 475 Boots Common 280 0 200 470 0
Gloves of Valkyrie 762 Gloves Unique 0 1064 0 470 0
Sword of Mattdon 434 Weapon Rare 402 0 0 470 0
Trident of Eroth 534 Weapon Common 400 0 198 470 0
Amulet of Poaelk 1007 Amulet Common 0 1545 0 469 0
Armor of Helrigha 727 Armor Common 0 0 985 469 0
Boots of Relighnar 722 Boots Common 0 975 0 469 0
Rune of Ferlla 732 Rune Rare 0 999 0 469 0
Shield of Areias 627 Shield Rare 285 0 504 469 0
Sword of Cathtro 507 Weapon Rare 245 304 0 469 0
Amulet of Solltar 480 Amulet Rare 257 224 0 468 15
Amulet of Transrhal 723 Amulet Common 0 978 0 468 0
Lobber Cog Rune 340 Rune Legendary 0 252 0 468 0
Lobber Wheel Shield 340 Shield Legendary 0 252 0 468 0
Rune of Jrehla 726 Rune Common 0 985 0 467 0
Amulet of Birsar 504 Amulet Rare 234 0 312 466 0
Armor of Gadelk 983 Armor Common 0 0 1500 466 0
Blade of Galltar 623 Weapon Common 780 0 0 466 0
Ring of Histhor 513 Ring Rare 230 334 0 466 0
Boots of Deafle 745 Boots Common 0 1025 0 465 0
Great Axe of Neusllon 354 Weapon Common 200 43 0 465 0
Lagarto Helmet 690 Helmet Unique 0 925 0 465 0
Rune of Cerioa 855 Rune Rare 0 0 1249 465 0

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