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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Ring of Ohphale 605 Ring Common 0 0 835 375 0
Rune of Breka 664 Rune Rare 0 0 957 375 0
Rune of Heare 675 Rune Common 0 975 0 375 0
Rune of Stattal 658 Rune Common 0 941 0 375 0
Rune of Vullto 500 Rune Rare 225 0 404 375 0
Steamwork Cuirass (Tier 2) 300 Armor Epic 0 555 0 375 0
Tarbidas Spider Sword 200 Weapon Legendary 45 0 0 375 0
Axe of Dremal 411 Weapon Rare 448 0 0 374 0
Helmet of Pothin 487 Helmet Rare 200 0 404 374 0
Shield of Kithon 537 Shield Common 300 400 0 374 0
Shield of Mattelo 612 Shield Common 0 850 0 374 0
Sword of Uzcoth 427 Weapon Common 300 180 0 374 0
Walgrom Boots 1187 Boots Rare 1004 0 1004 374 0
Amulet of Herriua 844 Amulet Common 0 0 1315 373 0
Amulet of Iranek 1009 Amulet Rare 0 1649 0 373 0
Axe of Brettal 174 Weapon Rare 0 -15 0 373 0
Helmet of Lordar 539 Helmet Common 240 0 450 373 15
Shield of Majka 1009 Shield Rare 0 1649 0 373 0
Spear of Rorkon 424 Weapon Common 340 135 0 373 0
Armor of Qazdom 521 Armor Common 200 0 470 372 0
Ring of Rolhos 511 Ring Common 380 270 0 372 0
Ussuri Skin Shield 584 Shield Rare 200 0 603 372 0
Scimitar of Tall 486 Weapon Rare 401 204 0 371 0
Amulet of Nildon 480 Amulet Rare 280 318 0 370 0
Boots of Quelia 317 Boots Rare 100 0 138 370 25

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