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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Feathered Chomper Shield 2575 Shield Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 2170 0 0 3130 0
Mozzies Carapace Gauntlets 3775 Gloves Legendary 0 0 4570 3130 0
Vipesh Blade 2601 Weapon Common 2081 0 0 3121 0
Knocker King Gloves 3825 Gloves Unique 4546 0 0 3114 0
Swine Tusk Club 3750 Weapon Legendary 4540 0 0 3110 0
Goblin Rider Boots 3815 Boots Rare 4532 0 0 3106 0
Tayuri Goblin Ring 2165 Ring Rare 0 0 1238 3100 0
Broodmothers Fur Cap 5150 Helmet Unique 7217 0 0 3093 0
Miners Helm 3861 Helmet Rare 4638 0 0 3092 0
Murdoch Shield 5100 Shield Legendary 0 0 7265 3085 0
Mozzies Carapace Shirt 3775 Armor Legendary 0 0 4620 3080 0
Parf's Icey Armor 4975 Armor Legendary 0 0 7020 3080 0
Quango Skull Shield 5125 Shield Unique 0 7182 0 3078 0
Crystalline Spine Plate 2120 Armor Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 1316 0 0 3074 0
Bhakti's Topi 3700 Helmet Legendary 4480 0 0 3070 0
Jatamar Greater Black Shield 5030 Shield Rare 6998 0 0 3070 0
Knocker King Boots 3825 Boots Unique 4596 0 0 3064 0
Gingerbread Blade 5100 Weapon Unique 0 7147 0 3063 0
Gingerbread Crust 5100 Shield Unique 0 7147 0 3063 0
Coffin Dodgers Ring 2075 Ring Legendary 1240 0 0 3060 0
Swine Hide Gauntlets 3750 Gloves Legendary 4590 0 0 3060 0
Goblin Rider Blade 3815 Weapon Rare 4582 0 0 3056 0
Pigool Boar Tusk Rune 4987 Rune Rare 6931 0 0 3051 0
The Mask of Horror 1600 Helmet Epic 0 0 3750 3050 0
Vile White's Sceptre 4925 Weapon Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 0 0 6950 3050 0

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