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Name Level Type Rarity Attack Defense Armor Damage HP
Rune of Ishbock 353 Rune Rare 137 0 328 245 0
Rune of Sheldar 231 Rune Rare 75 125 0 245 20
Shield of Tarqual 1230 Shield Unique 420 0 1825 245 0
Sword of Narkort 199 Weapon Unique 155 0 0 245 0
Xerxes Tunic 280 Armor Crystalline (Non-Repairable) 150 0 200 245 0
Amulet of Alantel 272 Amulet Common 0 0 300 244 0
Amulet of ZakVash 382 Amulet Common 0 0 520 244 0
Armor of Larwol 497 Armor Rare 352 0 402 244 0
Armor of Wollvor 482 Armor Rare 272 0 452 244 0
Armor of Zakturath 402 Armor Rare 0 0 560 244 0
Boots of Tamrin 404 Boots Common 333 0 231 244 0
Boots of Zerish 397 Boots Common 133 0 417 244 0
Gloves of Drex 554 Gloves Rare 240 0 628 244 0
Helmet of Zarki 447 Helmet Common 200 0 450 244 0
Rune of Alagar 272 Rune Rare 0 0 300 244 0
Rune of Lasgoz 467 Rune Common 285 0 405 244 0
Spear of UkZinKaz 383 Weapon Rare 526 0 0 244 0
Sword of Stalra 247 Weapon Rare 250 0 0 244 0
Sword of Warrel 207 Weapon Rare 137 35 0 244 0
Amulet of Heirnoss 360 Amulet Rare 306 0 160 243 15
Armor of Ig Than 412 Armor Rare 201 380 0 243 0
Boots of Qarjill 485 Boots Rare 313 418 0 243 0
Helmet of Goylon 478 Helmet Rare 213 0 504 243 0
Helmet of Tokdoril 402 Helmet Common 133 0 428 243 0
Amulet of Arjinis 492 Amulet Common 330 412 0 242 0

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